Nose Reshaping Procedure

“A New nose, A New Outlook, A New YOU”

Often men and women encounter various deformities in the shape or size of their nose. Such deformities apart from destroying one’s look also hamper the breathing pattern of individuals. This can be corrected using a surgical procedure termed as Rhinoplasty. This is a special kind of plastic surgery that deals precisely with the nose reshaping technique.
A good nose job can make profound differences not only in the balance of facial features but also can be very helpful in boosting a person’s self-esteem. Through this surgery a competent surgeon can make difference to size of the nose, its appearance, altering the tip or bridge of the nose, and narrowing or changing the shape of the nostril.
Following are the points that will make the Rhinoplasty treatment clearer.

  • Rhinoplasty is carried out under general anaesthetic and usually takes between one and two hours.
  • Incisions are typically made inside the nostrils to conceal the scars.
  • In more complex situations an open approach may be necessary, leaving a small scar at the base of the nose.
  • After surgery, a splint is applied and the nostrils are lightly packed.

“A Face you Love, When you look in the Mirror”

Rhinoplasty is the medical term for any surgery that alters the appearance of your nose. There are several nose alteration procedures which tackle different concerns to achieve your individual aims.

  • Rhinoplasty is effective in achieving feminine facial profiles in patients undergoing male-to-female gender reassignment.
  • Improved Nasal Airflow: Various structures within the nose can contribute to issue with breathing and airflow through the nose. Trauma from accidents, sports, or altercations can result is deviation of the nasal septum. This structure is a wall that separates the right and left side of the nose. If the septum is crooked, then one of both sides of the nasal airway may be blocked to airflow. A septoplasty is often performed in conjunction with a rhinoplasty to straighten a crooked nose and septum, improving both the appearance of the nose and the flow of air. The inferior turbinates are another set of structures inside the nose that can cause nasal airway obstruction if large. Nasal surgery can be performed to shrink the size of the turbinates to improve airflow. A turbinoplasty is often done at the same time as the rhinoplasty. Turbinates do not affect the appearance of the nose.
  • Self-image and Confidence: In cases where people suffer from self-esteem and self-image issues because of constant bullying, positive changes to the appearance of the nose can provide a person with a huge boost in confidence after rhinoplasty.
  • Balance: Sometimes a nose can be a distracting feature on a person’s face. A particular appearance of a nose may result in an imbalance between the face and nose.

List of Questions and Answers

Rhinoplasty is surgery to reshape the nose. It can make the nose larger or smaller; change the angle of the nose in relation to the upper lip; alter the tip of the nose; or correct bumps, indentations, or other defects in the nose.
The splint and bandaging around your nose will be removed in about a week. Your face will feel puffy and the area around your eyes and nose will be bruised and swollen for several days. Cold compresses can help minimize the swelling and reduce pain. Your doctor may also recommend pain medicine. It takes about 10 to 14 days before most of the swelling and bruising improves. You may need to keep your head elevated and relatively still for the first few days after surgery. It may be several weeks before you can return to strenuous activities.
Rhinoplasty is done on a same-day basis. I prefer to use general anesthesia because there tends to be bleeding in the back of the throat, and this may be a problem with a semi-conscious patient. Ultimately, however, I tend to let the patient decide what anesthesia they would like. There are various techniques, depending on the anticipated outcome.
Because rhinoplasty is a complicated procedure and the nose swells during the operation, there is a chance you may need to have some post-surgery touch- ups. About 15 percent of rhinoplasty operations require touch-up procedures.
At the conclusion of the procedure a long-acting numbing agent is used to ensure the patient leaves the surgery center pain-free. A splint is usually placed on the nose for one week. The nose will be noticeably swollen for several days, and shouldn’t be blown. Half of rhinoplasty patients have some bruising. It may take up to a year or even long before all minor traces of swelling disappear, but the nose will definitely look better by the time the splint comes off after surgery.
The biggest limitation with rhinoplasty is thick skin, because this is difficult to shrink and conform to the underlying framework of the procedure. A surgeon can only do so much with a large nose if the skin won’t contract. Risks include infection, postoperative nose bleeds, numbness, swelling, possible collapse of the nose, external scarring, fullness, residual deformity, and holes inside the septal area of the nose.
A good candidate for nose-reshaping cosmetic surgery may:
  • Have a bump on the bridge of the nose
  • Have a wide nose
  • Have a nasal tip that droops, protrudes, or is enlarged
  • Have a bulbous tip
  • Have nostrils that are excessively flared or pinched
  • Have a nose that is crooked or off-center
  • Have been injured so that the nose is asymmetrical
  • Have problems breathing due to irregularities with internal nose structure (i.e. a deviated septum or related problems)
  • >Have a nose that he or she feels is too large or too small in comparison with other facial features
Prior to the rhinoplasty your surgeon will go over the realistic expectations of your procedure. He or she will determine what needs to be done and the most appropriate methods to use in order to meet your expectations. As far as what you can do to prepare for your rhinoplasty, it is recommended that you don’t take any medications that may inhibit blood clotting or cause postoperative bleeding problems such as aspirin and ibuprofen. If you smoke, it is also recommended that you stop smoking at least a month before your surgery and don’t start again until a month afterward. Smoking greatly slows down the healing process and will extend the time it takes you to recover. This may be a good time to quit smoking altogether.
Your rhinoplasty will generally be performed under general anesthesia and the entire surgery typically lasts no more than two hours. Depending on your situation, your surgeon may make an incision across the bottom of your nose between your nostrils (known as the open technique), or in the lining of your nostrils (known as the closed technique). Your surgeon will then remove or rearrange cartilage, and in some cases break and rearrange bone to reshape the nose. Afterward, the surgeon or health care team closes the incisions and your nose is packed with gauze. Usually, a nasal split is also applied.
Your surgeon will require you to wear a nasal splint for the first 7-10 days after your rhinoplasty. After your surgery, you may have moderate swelling and bruising around your eyes that could last up to two weeks. You should avoid strenuous activity for up to four weeks after your surgery; your physician will let you know when it’s safe for you to return to your daily activities.

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