Cool Sculpting Procedure

“Once you see the results, it becomes an ADDICTION”

People always wanted to have perfect figure which they can flaunt to others but due to modest-size fat bulges which are not easily reduced through diet and exercise, they are not able to. So, if you are seeking spot reduction for specific areas of fat, but are not considering a surgical procedure, then you should definitely try COOL SCLUPTING Treatment.
Following are the points that will make the Cool Sculpting treatment clearer.

  • Cool Sculpting is a unique technology, which uses controlled cooling to freeze and eliminate unwanted fat cells without surgery or downtime.
  • Cool Sculpting procedure is FDA-cleared, safe and effective.
  • Results are lasting and undeniable.

“A coll style to say goodbye to unwanted fat”

COOL SCLUPTING procedure is the coolest, most innovative, non-surgical way to lose annoying bumps and bulges of stubborn fat.

  • One time procedure: Cool Sculpt is a single time treatment.
  • No Downtime: After Cool Sculpt treatment a person can continue his/ her normal life.
  • Skin Type: Cool Sculpt procedure works on all types of skin.
  • Routine: A person can immediately get back to his/her daily life.

List of Questions and Answers

CoolSculpting is a breakthrough non-invasive procedure that uses a cooling technology to help your body eliminate unwanted fat without surgery.
The Cool Sculpting fat reduction procedure is specially designed for those who have unwanted fat that resists diet and exercise. Unlike gastric bypass surgery, the CoolSculpting procedure is not a weight loss solution for people who are obese. It is, however, a non-surgical alternative to liposuction. Good candidates have noticeable bulges in certain areas they’d like to get rid of. The Cool Sculpting procedure is not for everyone. You should not have the Cool Sculpting procedure if you suffer from cryoglobulinemia or paroxysmal cold hemoglobinuria.
Once you have discussed, with the consultant and doctor, which areas you would like to target with Cool Sculpting, the therapist will place the device on your body. The Cool Sculpting machine draws the ‘bulge’ up between the cooling panels, which will create a firm pull and light pressure sensation for the first few minutes of the treatment. The complete treatment takes about an hour.
At the beginning of the Cool Sculpting treatment you will feel a firm pressure sensation along with intense cooling. A few minutes after the treatment has started both of these sensations will slowly dissipate.
During the procedure, exposure to cooling causes fat cell apoptosis, which leads to the release of cytokines and other inflammatory mediators. Inflammatory cells gradually digest the affected fat cells in the months after the procedure. Lipids from fat cells are slowly released and transported by the lymphatic system to be processed, much like fat from food. Because the lipid clearance process is gradual and there is no harmful change in blood lipids or liver function.
During the procedure you may experience deep pulling, tugging, pinching, numbness or discomfort. Following the procedure, typical side effects include temporary numbness, redness, swelling, bruising, firmness, tingling, stinging and pain. Rare side effects may also occur.
Yes, and we encourage just that! Since the procedure is completely non-surgical you can get right back to normal daily life, immediately. Please note that some patients do experience a tingling sensation, slight redness, minor bruising or other minimal discomforts around the area that we treated. If you do experience any of these irritations please note that they are temporary and will resolve completely
After just your first treatment you will notice a reduction of fat in the treated area. Once you have had your first treatment you can discuss with your doctor about scheduling further reduction with additional treatments if needed to provide you with the results you desire. Keep in mind that most patients find that they achieve their fat reduction goal in just one Cool Sculpting treatment.
Most patients see improvements in just three weeks. After two months’ time more dramatic results are visible and your body will continue to flush out fat cells for the next four to six months post treatment.
You do not have to start a new exercise routine or diet, and pills and supplements are not required. That being said, after having the Cool Sculpting treatment, most patients feel more motivated to take care of their bodies.
Since Cool Sculpting eliminates the fat cells in the affected treatment area as long as you maintain your weight with your normal diet and exercise routine your results should be permanent.

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