Mesotherapy Procedure

Mesotherapy is a non-invasive technique based on superficial microinjections, just below the epidermis, into the target tissues. The term ‘meso’ is derived from the mesoderm or middle layer of the skin (approx 1mm deep).Mesotherapy is a treatment that stimulates the mesoderm, which relieves a wide variety of symptoms and ailments.

The solution injected can contain a wide range of minerals,vitamins,amino acids,nucleic acids and co-enzymes that can be tailored to each patients individual needs.

Mesotherapy for hair loss is virtually painless and safe when done professionally. There is no dressing or local anesthesia required. After the treatment you can just go back to work.

Techniques used in mesotherapy treatment for hair loss are derived from mesotherapy. You will hear about proprietary approaches such as Mesoplasty or MesoHair, which have both shown positive results with hair re-growth in both men and women.

Using a specialized cocktail, your scalp is essentially given a vitamin boost which can improve the blood circulation in this area. Better circulation allows your hair follicles to be better nourished...all of which can improve hair re-growth.

With mesotherapy, treatment for hair loss will likely be done via injection gun as opposed to the mesotherapist injecting by hand. This helps to make mesotherapy treatment for hair loss faster as well as potentially less painful.

Over time, the mesotherapy solution will neutralize the DHT hormone, causing hair to grow again.

You may need as many as five sessions of this mesotherapy treatment for hair loss over a period of four to six months before you see significant results. Your mesotherapist will let you know if your particular case requires more or less treatment.


Mesotherapy can potentially eliminate the need for hair transplant surgery. However, remember that mesotherapy treatments work best when toxins are eliminated from the diet and you're following a healthy exercise program.

List of Questions and Answers

Using dermaroller, mesogun or insulin syringe, microholes are created over the scalp and stem cell serum or platelet rich plasma is instilled into the deeper layers of scalp which stimulate the existing hair follicles and promote the new hair growth.
You can expect new hair growth along your existing hair line and improved density, health and texture of hair.
It is equally effective in both men and women.
The pain is subjective and patient specific. Some people perceive it like hot massage and some find it unbearable. For sensitive individuals we suggest numbing gel or topical anaesthesia one hour prior to procedure which reduces the pain sensation considerably. Mesotherapy is a safe procedure and there are no long term side effects. However, the procedure should be done under complete aseptic conditions so as to avoid folliculitis.
Mesotherapy is lunch time procedure and it takes maximum half an hour for the procedure and you can go back to your work place immediately after the procedure.
You can wash your hair after 24 hours of mesotherapy with your routine shampoo.
No, for dandruff you need to wash your hair with antidandruff shampoo and take treatment as prescribed by your dermatologist.
One requires atleast 4 sessions. The therapy can be continued further upto 10 or 12 sessions with good results by combining therapies like anti-hairloss solutions, stem cell serum and platelet rich plasma.

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