Hair Restoration Procedure

Rise against falling strands

Changing lifestyles and pressure of the modern age are contributing immensely to what some experts are calling a silent global epidemic. Hair loss is a condition that leads to baldness and affects the appearance and confidence of men and women. And today, a growing number of people affected by hair loss are turning to miracle cures that are temporary or don’t actually work. So it is imperative that you turn to solutions that actually address the root of the problem and not just hide behind superficial treatments. Because today, a permanent cure of hair loss is available.
With the guidance of medical doctors, Me Clinic has been successfully treating hair loss problem in both men and women, by using treatments like Hair Re-growth, hair fall treatment and hair transplant.
Following are the points that will make the Hair Restoration treatment clearer.

  • Hair Re-growth: The goal of hair transplant surgery is to relocate follicles from the donor area to the bald area of the scalp. In the early days of hair transplant surgery, large clusters of hair and follicles were relocated, usually resulting in an unnatural look. However, the latest microsurgery techniques allow surgeons to relocate very small groups of follicles - sometimes just a single follicle - to create a hair growth pattern similar to that of a young scalp. These micro grafts, also known as follicular unit hair grafts, are fundamental to creating a truly natural looking head of hair.
  • Hair Fall Treatment: Medical hair restoration is the name given to a group of surgical hair loss treatments designed to reduce baldness in men. There are several hair replacement procedures used to accomplish this, which includes hair transplant grafting, flap surgery, scalp reduction, and scalp expansion.

“Time for transformation”

Hair Restoration is a surgical process whereby hair follicle from one part of your body is relocated to the areas affected by partial or complete loss of hair. With one cite providing hair for the other both the processes of extraction as well as that of implantation are equally important. Calling for excellent precision and surgical skill, hair transplantation is often used as a last resort. But primarily, it has been found effective in treating masculine baldness caused by hereditary factors. The process generally calls for both pre as well as post operative precautions.
Involving little or no use of sedation, the process mainly makes use of two grafting techniques:

  • Harvesting of strip: The latest hair transplantation surgery techniques involve removing a donor strip of hair-bearing scalp from the back of the head. The surgeon will determine how large the donor area should be, according to the amount of hair to be transplanted. The donor area is carefully trimmed close to the scalp and then surgically removed under local anesthetic. The scalp is closed using surgical sutures.
  • Extraction of follicular units. Specially trained lab technicians dissect the tissue of a harvested donor strip under the microscope and separate follicular unit hair grafts for transplantation. This is known as follicular unit extraction. Each follicular unit hair graft that results consists of a thin sliver of scalp tissue, which contains miniscule blood vessels and the hair follicle, with about a millimeter of hair protruding from the original skin surface.

Benefits of hair Restoration Treatment:

  • Despite involving no threatening risk, it will be wise considering its pros and cons. Before opting for the surgical procedure costing a pretty penny it is important to analyze some of its advantageous aspects.
  • With baldness playing a spoilsport and coming in the way of propriety- hair transplantation is pleasingly advantageous. With hair at your disposal, you can choose not having one out of place.
  • Besides by means of this medically maneuvered technique, you need not bank on any other forms of treatment for hair growth. The hair implanted or grafted will continue with its growth.
  • The fact that you yourself are the donor is also one of its pros.
  • Unless you have opted for too many transplants, the process is by and large simple and desired result can be obtained in one go.
  • Mostly little or no money is taken as consultation fee, so bearing in mind its everlasting effect the process is pretty much cost effective.
  • Rather than going in for artificially driven mechanisms of hair systems, hair transplantation is far more cost effective.
  • The operation is safe in the sense; you need not be brought under complete anesthesia. So in case you have fads and phobias about losing consciousness, the procedure can be managed by means of partial anesthesia.
  • While the issues of pain may be duly addressed by localized sedation, you need not be anxious about total lapse of consciousness.
  • One of the scientific advantages of hair transplantation relates to its uniformity of distribution. The technique is worked upon with optimization in such a way that your overall follicular distribution remains intact

List of Questions and Answers

Multiple factors cause hair loss, but the most common is male pattern baldness, an inherited genetic trait. Male pattern baldness can come from the maternal side of the family, or from the paternal side. As a result, what one’s grandfathers or uncles look like is often a reliable predictor of future hair loss and hair pattern.
Other than being in good health, the only requirement for hair transplantation is that the patient has good hair density at the back and sides of the head.
Yes, some women are good candidates for hair transplantation when they have pattern baldness similar to that of a man. Women may be candidates in other cases as well — especially if hair loss is localized or associated with previous surgical procedures.
Occasionally, but not often. Some of the worst long-term problems are experienced by patients who undergo hair transplants too early in life. Hair loss is a lifelong process, and if transplantation takes place too early, the practitioner may place the grafts too far forward on the head and the patient may later lose the hair behind his or her implanted hair.
Today’s new techniques have created a significant opportunity for many patients who are unhappy with the results of previous transplantation procedures — especially those who have older “plugs” — to improve the look and feel of their transplanted hair.
Infection and healing problems are extremely rare in hair replacement surgery, especially resulting from follicular hair transplantation. Occasionally however, healing problems can develop in the donor area at the back of the scalp. These problems are more frequent in patients who have had previous procedures using the older plug techniques, which involved a significant amount of scarring in the donor area. Some patients also report numbness in the donor area at the back of the scalp. In the majority of these patients, this symptom will resolve in a couple of months.
Most patients report minimal discomfort with this surgical procedure. Doctor numbs the donor and recipient areas with local anesthesia, similar to that given at a dentist’s office.
In the post-operative period, light medication can control any discomfort, such as feelings of tightness in the donor area.
The procedure results in minimal discomfort. However, patients will experience a sense of tightness at the back of the scalp in the donor area.
Many patients can return to their daily routines within 1 to 2 days, as long as they don’t do anything too strenuous. Avoid rigorous exercise until the donor sutures are removed — generally after 10 to 12 days.
Small scabs in the recipient area are common and generally present for 1 to 2 weeks. Over the next few weeks, most of the hair shafts will fall out. New hair shafts will begin to grow over the next 3 to 4 months. The final result will be visible in 8 to 10 months.
In the majority of patients who have not had previous scarring to the back of the scalp, or who have well-closed incisions from previous donor procedures, the scar will be completely hidden in the hair line.
The grafts take approximately 3 months to begin to grow. Patients generally see their final results in 8 to 10 months.

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