Birth Mark Removal Procedure

“Say hello to the treatment which will Break down the birthmark”

You may have a birthmark that's in the wrong place, or is especially large, and you would feel much happier if it could just disappear. So it is great to know that now there is a treatment to help eradicate these marks safely and effectively.
Following are the points that will make the birthmark removal treatment clearer.

  • The procedure involves a hand held laser passed over the area to be treated, generating heat energy to target the blemish and improve the appearance of the skin.
  • It is a safe and painless procedure that results in more even skin tone.
  • Before we carry out any treatments, we invite patients for an initial consultation during which the procedure is explained in more detail, and there is an opportunity to ask questions.

“Get rid of Soul-sapping birth marks”

Birth Mark Removal procedure acts as a new foundation for the skin and also improves the skin tone

  • Treatments Needed: Multiple laser treatments are usually required for optimal removal of the birthmark
  • Results: Birthmarks can be dramatically lightened or, in many cases, completely removed with laser treatment.
  • Side Effects: Immediately after treatment, your skin may appear slightly pink or red. This usually subsides within several days. Temporary bruising or crusting, which typically resolves within 5 to 7 days, may also occur.

List of Questions and Answers

Any healthy individual with no serious medical conditions may be a good candidate. Since lasers specifically target either the blood vessels of vascular birthmarks, such as port wine stains and hemangiomas, or the pigment of birthmarks, the surrounding skin is protected. Often, treating birthmarks in young children and infants will prevent further development of the birthmark and help children avoid any social stigma often associated with birthmarks.
Depending on the type of birthmark, the area may be numbed with a topical anesthetic cream. Your eyes are covered with goggles and you may feel a sensation similar to the snap of a rubber band. If the birthmark is near the eyes, a protective shield may be placed to protect the eyes.
Multiple laser treatments are usually required for optimal removal of the birthmark.
Birthmarks can be dramatically lightened or, in many cases, completely removed with laser treatment. For pigmented birthmarks such as brown moles, avoiding intense sun exposure will help maintain your results.
Immediately after treatment, your skin may appear slightly pink or red. This usually subsides within several days. Temporary bruising or crusting, which typically resolves within 5 to 7 days, may also occur.

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