Eyebrow Lift Procedure

“Focus on feeling your best!!”

It is not uncommon for the skin for the skin above our eyes to start to droop as we get older; causing what is often referred to as the hood effect, this make eyes look tired and the face look old. Brow lift surgery is a simple procedure carried out to lift the area directly above the eye, opening up the eye area and making the face look younger. It involves lifting the brow itself and tightening the muscles which have been stretched over time, as well as tightening any loose skin in the area and reducing excess fatty tissue. While brow lift surgery is often performed for purely cosmetic reasons, drooping bows and upper eye lids can affect vision in the most extreme of cases and this can be a quick and simple way to rectify the situation.
Following are the points that will make the Eyebrow Lift treatment clearer.

  • A brow lift is also known as a forehead lift.
  • This surgery reduces the wrinkle lines that develop horizontally across the forehead, as well as those that occur on the bridge of the nose, between the eyes and improves frown lines, the vertical creases that develop between the eyebrows.
  • It also raises sagging brows that are hooding the upper eyelids and places the eyebrows in an alert and youthful position.

“Safe, Simple and Scarless”

The brow lift operation is performed under general anaesthetic and takes between one and two hours to complete depending on the technique used. There are two types of brow lift surgery and the one chosen by the surgeon for you will depend on your skin type, the condition of your skin and where your hairline is.

  • OPEN BROW LIFT If the open brow lift is the most appropriate for you, the surgeon will make an incision from one ear, along or slightly back from the hairline to your other ear. Please note that for bald patients or those with a receding hair line, the incision can usually be hidden in a natural forehead crease. Once the incision has been made the surgeon will carefully separate the skin on the upper part of the face from the underlying tissue before working to reduce or tighten the muscles. The skin is then stretched and stitched or clipped in place, within any excess skin removed.
  • ENDOSCOPIC BROW LIFT This brow lift procedure sees the surgeon making three to five small incisions in various locations on the scalp through which a thin plastic tube with a tiny camera at one end is inserted. The images gathered from the camera are relayed live to a screen in the theatre and this allows the surgeon to operate on the muscles and fatty tissue behind the hairline. The eyebrows are lifted and held in place with stitches, or temporary screws behind the hairline and the incisions are either stitched or clipped.
    • Increased overall self-confidence
    • Increased self-esteem
    • Look more youthful and rejuvenated
    • Correct the asymmetry of the forehead and eyebrows.

List of Questions and Answers

The best brow lift patient is in good health, a non-smoker, and is able to avoid blood thinning medications for two weeks before surgery. He or she has low and heavy eyebrows, and may be aware of looking tired, angry, or worried much of the time.
You can, and often patients decide to have a blepharoplasty at the same time if they have excess upper eyelid skin as well. Doing multiple procedures on the same day does not lengthen the recovery time, and will allow the patient to accomplish many goals with one surgery.
There is no lower age limit. Some patients have low brows at an early age which is often hereditary.
Some patients with low brows and excess eyelid skin can have trouble seeing to the sides because their vision is blocked by sagging skin. In these cases, elevating the brows (along with a blepharoplasty) will improve vision by relieving this obstruction.
Once the anesthesia effect wears off one may feel slight discomfort. Severe pain is unlikely after the surgery. Patients will be prescribed pain medications to be taken as per their requirement (as every individual has different pain threshold).
Possibly. To be reimbursed by your insurance company, you would need to see an ophthalmologist first, to prove that your vision is actually affected by excess skin.
When done correctly, elevating the brows does not generate a surprised look. You will just look more refreshed and relaxed.
Botox can be used to paralyze the muscles that keep the brows low, allowing them to rise. This effect is mild, though – a surgical brow lift is much more effective at raising the brows. Also, the effects of Botox last only a few months, whereas the effects of brow lift surgery are generally permanent.
As many as you need to feel completely comfortable with the doctor you choose. Some patients are able to settle on their surgeon after only one consultation, while others require several to best compare their rapport with each doctor.
Yes, computer photo alterations can give you an idea of how your new brow position will look. Computer alterations are not very effective, however, at predicting the new appearance of the eyelids. In any case, altered photos will help you decide if surgery is right for you but will not guarantee a certain result.
Basic lab tests may be required, and typically patients over the age of 45 require a written clearance from their personal physicians. All specific requirements are described in the attached Brow Lift Instructions.
The day before surgery, you should eat normally but avoid excessively heavy meals, or foods that can lead to acid reflux. Prepare your affairs so that you completely relax and rest after surgery. Most importantly, do not eat or drink anything after midnight before your procedure.
Procedures are done at the Aesthetic Facial Plastic Surgery Our Clinic, our fully accredited surgery center.
You will most likely be deeply sedated during the procedure, which means you will be completely asleep and comfortable, but breathing normally so no breathing tube is needed.
Brow lifts take about two hours to complete.
Brow lift procedures do not lead to severe pain, but you will have mild soreness and tightness of your forehead. These symptoms are easily controlled with medications that we will prescribe for you. Approximately 10% of patients have headaches for the 24 hours after surgery that can be more intense.
Adverse events are rare. One possible risk is permanent numbness of the forehead and scalp, which comes from nerve damage under the brows. Keep in mind that almost all patients have some numbness, but it is usually temporary. Your chances of permanent numbness are slightly higher with a coronal approach. Another possible risk is mild hair loss around the incisions. This risk is minimized with good surgical technique, and can easily be treated after your surgery. Other risks include possible infection, temporary headache, and mild bleeding.
The endoscopic and coronal approaches leave scars that are well hidden in your hair. The hairline approach leaves a scar at the top of your forehead, but hair will grow through the scar during the few months after surgery and make it very difficult to see.
You should plan to take one to two weeks off of work, so swelling and bruising can resolve. Exercise should be avoided for about three weeks after surgery.
The benefits of brow lifts will last indefinitely, and revision surgery is quite rare. Occasionally, patients will want their brows raised even higher, which can be accomplished by revision surgery.

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